Quarterly clinic visits with family doctor
We provide free consultation with personal family physician at our clinic for our members.
Free routine blood tests, urine tests, ecg every six months
All our members will be entitled to free preventive care tests once every six months.
Monthly phone call reviews by our physicians
Members will receive monthly phone calls by our doctors reviewing their medical problems and medications.
Regular Communication with NRI family members
Our critical mission is to keep our member families well informed about the care of their loved ones in addition to providing quality, affordable and accountable health care.
Discounted prices in corporate hospitals
Our physicians will tirelessly work on providing discounted prices for our members.
Physicians collaborate
Our physicians will make every effort to be a tireless advocate of our patients in collaborating between local hospitals, physicians, pharmacists and diagnostic testing.
Electronic Health record keeping
We provide all members with an online Personal Health Record, making you comfortable to access your health information.
Home care services
We arrange home care services like physio therapy, home nursing, blood sample collection and pharmacy.
Coordination For Hospitalization
Our manager and family physician will coordinate all the hospitalization requirements in case of emergencies including ambulance service, transportation, liaison with the hospital admission, etc.